Photoshoots with Personality

Do you keep a journal? We’ve heard time and time again that journal keeping is the best way to document memories. Our ability to forget the details is actually quite impressive—until you realize what that means for remembering life down the line! At Camera Shy, we believe that pictures are the next best way to capture your memories, in fact, we’d argue that they’re just as important! Whether you are coming in for family portraits, back to school pictures, or a birthday photoshoot, it is so important to make sure your family’s personality shines through.

We love when we see families lean into the task of capturing their child’s personality by bringing in props to document their interests, talents, and hobbies in a fun way. Here are some examples we love:

Senior Portraits

Whether your high schooler was part of the marching band, grew an interest in photography, or learned the art of the acoustic, we love when you bring in objects to mark their accomplishments and hard work. Even if they don’t keep up their skills, it’ll be a great addition to their collection of memories to have nice portraits to showcase this period of their life.


Does your child love to play dress-up? Many of us remember having a bucket of fun clothing and costumes we could wear around the house. Take some of your child’s favorite dress-up costumes and capture some nice portraits of them while they’re having fun. Chances are, that costume isn’t going to fit them for very long!

Birthday photoshoots

Birthday shoots are the best time to add personality to your child’s photos. We’ve had people bring in props based on their kid’s favorite book or movie. Most of the time, the parents already had the decorations lying around after their child had a themed birthday party! See the pictures above for an awesome Star Wars example.


Featuring our 2023 back-to-school backdrop.

Back-to-school pictures are a great way to capture your child’s personality and interests going into the new year. It’s especially fun to make it an annual thing so you can see how they changed year after year. Bring their favorite books, their backpack, and something to represent their favorite subject. It’s also fun to show their age, height, and handwriting on things like homemade signs or chalkboard tablets. We have our back-to-school backdrop up in all our studios until September 16th, so if you’re running low on time to put something together, come in for an indoor session and use our set-up for no additional cost!

So, what do you do with all these photos? We like to think of these personality shoots as the modern-day form of scrapbooking. It’s common to either print these out and add them to a photo album, or, create a photo book that allows you to add captions and memories along with the pictures! While we do not offer photo books, we do offer same day, in-house printing; ask your photographer about printing option during your next session!


Tis the Season to be Fall-y


Planning an Extended Family Session? Read this!